

pray for me
Share prayer request

We'd love to pray with you and pray for you! When you use our prayer app, you can share your request with our dedicated team or confidentially with Pastor Jim.

Share prayer request

Prayer Partners

We're here to support you. When you share a Public Prayer Request, you will be assigned a dedicated prayer partner who will connect with you and support you through prayer.

Prayer of the Church

When you share a Public Prayer Request, all the saints at Faith will be praying for you. Your first name will be included in our prayers during weekly worship.

Confidential Requests

Sometimes you need care only a pastor can give. If you're looking to share your prayer request with Pastor Jim only, submit a Confidential Prayer Request.

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About the App

Pastor Jim created PrayerCares with the mission of connecting people and communities through prayer. Whether you join a church or ministry, follow a missionary group, or start your own private prayer group, PrayerCares can help you easily connect with your own community.